JustLiquidity - Execute a Liquidity Token Sale with a token.


Execute a Liquidity Token Sale with a token.

Whenever JustLiquidity contract users deposit ETH into the contract, ETH and the Project Tokens get deposited into the UniSwap Liquidity Pool. When users withdraw ETH from the Contract, the project tokens get removed from the Pool. Hence, with this system, a project token will never be available without liquidity.

When the JustLiquidity contract users add more ETH as liquidity, the contract will automatically release the needed project tokens into the liquidity Pool until the provided project token amount is fully integrated in the Pool. This increases the circulation supply, and also reduces the circulation supply when users remove liquidity.

The Team or Marketing Token will be released in a decentralized way based on the ETH liquidity provided by JustLiquidity customers to protect the possibility of decrease in liquidity.
