ZeroSwap - Zero Fee On-Chain Trading Protocol.


Zero Fee On-Chain Trading Protocol.

ZeroSwap is a multi-chain protocol for liquidity mining, market making, DeFi Token Offering, and DEX Aggregation. The decentralised platform provides all of these services at zero cost to the users that is enabled by transaction fee mining.

ZeroSwap’s mission is to empower the DeFi ecosystem by creating more robust technology to help others within the space to become efficient, faster and simpler. To achieve this goal, the ZeroSwap team is building their platform on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain with development on other protocols set to follow soon. Upon completion, users will be able to make both on-chain and cross-chain trades without paying any fees. Instead, the platform will reward its users with the native ZEE tokens for every transaction and providing liquidity to existing DEXes. To ensure the self-sustainability of these feeless trades, a percentage of the tokens will be burnt for each instance.