WHISP - Payroll for remote workers, easier, faster, cheaper.


Payroll for remote workers, easier, faster, cheaper.

Pay remote or on-site workers in crypto - easier, faster, and cheaper. Drop the legacy financial system payroll solutions. Take a backseat while Whisp automates the record-keeping for you.

Your workers choose how to access their money. Whisp makes sure they’re paid on time and updates them with notifications.

We make sure you’re always in control of your funds. So you never have to worry about blocked or withheld payments.

We built a easier, faster, and cheaper app to make workers' and employers' lives easier. You decide how to onboard and offboard assets.

Whisp’s easy-to-understand records plug right in to popular accounting software. No more dreading tax season!

Spend Less Time, Get More Accuracy. Whisp takes care of the record-keeping for you. Export a CSV at any time to update your books.