Tosdis - DeFi as a Service.


DeFi as a Service.

Tosdis, The One Stop Defi Interoperable Solution (TosDis) powered with Liquid Staking offering DeFi as a service.

We are entering the era of Proof of Stake and everyone is all about staking and blockchain interoperability. And while many projects and pools have made great strides in that direction, there still wasn’t one cross-chain dencetralized infrastructure with true real functionality. Until now. Tosdis is the first-ever decentralized network that interoperates across chains and breaks down barriers to mass adoption. It integrates a flexible mechanism for smart contract staking, which will allow participants to lock and earn tokens on any ERC-20 tokens as well as tokens from other blockchains, such as Polkadot, BSC, Tron and more.