Timeswap - World’s first fully decentralized AMM based money market protocol.


World’s first fully decentralized AMM based money market protocol.

Timeswap is the first fully decentralized AMM based money market protocol which is self sufficient, non-custodial, gas efficient and works without oracles or liquidators. Timeswap’s proprietary 3 variable AMM is motivated by the constant product AMM used by Uniswap. It provides flexibility to the end user by allowing the user to decide their risk profile and accordingly set the interest rates & collateral ratio for each lending or borrowing transaction. It is minimalistic, gas-efficient and permission-less, allowing anybody to create a borrowing / lending market for any ERC-20 tokens.

Timeswap’s vision is to (i) build the most secure, self-sufficient, oracle-less money market protocol; (ii) be fully permissionless thereby unlocking liquidity for untapped long tail assets; (iii) build the most capital efficient money market using market-driven interest rates & collateral ratios.