TEND - Real luxury assets tokenized onto the blockchain.


Real luxury assets tokenized onto the blockchain.

TEND gives its clients access to unique investment opportunities which are currently beyond their reach but reflect their aspirations; investments that fulfill a passion or pursuit of a personally important interest, investments that are driven by purpose and emotion.

TEND achieves this by enabling co-ownership of these special objects of passion & purpose, lowering the entry barriers that exist today. Despite being in shared ownership, all TEND investments come with a beautifully orchestrated “real-life-experience”, enabling its clients to see and enjoy their investment first-hand – and to share that experience with family and friends. Importantly, TEND provides a fully serviced platform and offering, including taking care of those associated but time-consuming responsibilities of the co-owners, such as maintenance, insurance and security.

For full access to the platform, TEND charges a single, transparent, yearly access fee.
