Tasit - Mobile apps for owning and using scarce digital things.


Mobile apps for owning and using scarce digital things.

Mobile Ethereum dapps. A decentralized project originally created by Tasit Labs.

At Tasit Labs (the company behind Tasit), we’re building mobile Ethereum dapps (decentralized apps). We’ll be working very hard to build a supportive, inclusive, diverse environment with no jerks. Our team is remote-first and decentralized. For those who happen to be in Chicago, working from home a couple days a week is encouraged. Most of us will be on a “maker schedule”, so we block off 4+ hour uninterrupted blocks of time in everyone’s calendars. We’re fans of maternity and paternity leave, and we encourage taking pleeenty of time for this. We support intellectual curiosity and questioning everything. The soundest reasoning and best data determine the way forward at Tasit Labs regardless of where these ideas come from. At Tasit we’re all allies, and we listen to and amplify the voices of people who are underrepresented in tech (and sadly in most industries). Tasit Labs is a lean organization, and new product changes are framed as testable hypotheses (whenever possible - not trying to get stuck in any local minima here).