SynthSwap - Trading with margin and synthetics on the Ethereum network.


Trading with margin and synthetics on the Ethereum network.

SynthSwap is a Uniswap-Inspired Dex for Margin and Synthetics. A decentralized protocol for trading with margin and synthetics on the Ethereum network.

Our systems exist of both original and forked code from other DeFi projects such as CAP and ORN, which combine to create a trust less set of financial protocols on the Ethereum network, that are governed and can be adjustable by the community.

SynthSwap envisions becoming the universal standard for trading synthetic assets on a Uniswap-esque decentralized exchange. Our trading protocol, backed by the SYNTH token, supports margin trading of BTC and ETH, along with non leveraged trading of assets such as TSLA and AAPL on the stock market. Eventually this will expand to inverse tokens, the Forex market, or the precious metals market. While this may expand to encompass a substantial number of assets, it is important to understand the importance of voting to support only highly liquid assets. SynthSwap is inherently decentralized, therefore our community must know what is in the best financial interest of themselves as well as the protocols itself. SynthSwap is akin to a fund like Robinhood, profits generated by shareholders are dependent on the success of the protocol.

Essentially, traders using the platform are generating revenue for the protocol, where the funds are then sent to the SynthSwap liquidity pool, which is represented by shares in the SYNTH token. This allows SYNTH to serve as both a governance token, and a liquidity provider token.

All of the markets across the protocol are backed by a single pool. Users who wish to trade the markets supported by SynthSwap can send DAI to the liquidity pool and receive SYNTH that tracks the individuals share in the pool. When you buy shares in the pool (the SYNTH token), you are exposed to revenue generated by SynthSwap.

When investing in SynthSwap you are investing in a fund. An individual can become a liquidity provider by simply buying SYNTH on a dex. SYNTH holders are entitled to fees generated by the protocol and have voting power in the DAO.