SMART Yield - Interest rate volatility risk mitigation using debt based derivatives.


Interest rate volatility risk mitigation using debt based derivatives.

SMART Yield, Interest rate volatility risk mitigation using debt based derivatives. Powered by BarnBridge.

Currently, the decentralized financial ecosystem is primarily offering variable rate annuities. However, the ability to structure yield into fixed rates will come in the form of locked collateral with a maturity on repayments, or bonds, as well as fixed rate yields with no maturity, or annuities. We don’t believe this to be a novel idea but we do believe naturally that these types of products will come to DeFi over time. However, the types of derivatives & complexity reduction in financial planning you’ll be able to structure and implement with the existence of fixed yield in smart contracts will be mind blowing to traditional financial markets.

Decentralized financial instruments are showcasing the power that a trustless financial industry can wield. Powerhouse projects in the DeFi space like MakerDAO, Synthetix, AAVE, Compound, Curve, and others are producing yields for users that have none of the constraints and rent seeking of tradFi instruments by replacing bookkeepers, escrow and various overhead with algorithms, trustless oracles, and decentralized ledgers. Different market driven yields can be found on numerous decentralized platforms, but there is nothing out there that services & pulls together all of the different decentralized protocols & allows for a normalized risk curve and derivatives for risk mitigation.

Furthermore, efficiencies across lending protocols are non-existent in the current DeFi markets. The ability to pull yield from numerous protocols and tranche them into higher and lower yield buckets is something that exists in traditional financial markets but is more efficient in decentralized financial markets, assuming an acceptable level of liquidity can be maintained.
