SIL.Finance - A revolutionary DeFi project that fills the gap of YFI & YFII.


A revolutionary DeFi project that fills the gap of YFI & YFII.

SIL.Finance, A revolutionary DeFi project that fills the gap of YFI & YFII.

“Sister In Law” token a.k.a “SIL” a decentralized automatic investment platform based on smart contracts, focusing on providing users with DeFi Financial Management services. SIL provides dual-token liquidity for variable swaps, automatic LP matching, and automatic compound interests.

According to factors such as annualized rate of return, safety factor, financial management cycle, etc., it automatically selects and configures products that best suit the interests of users, make complex liquidity mining to become simple. The revenue of mining will be distributed to all users in proportion, there is no intermediary, no principal commission fees. It’s fair and just. The platform is jointly built by crypto enthusiasts from all over the world, and the management of the platform is entrusted to all SIL holders.