Shift Cryptosecurity - BitBox.  Hardware wallets, App, Base Bitcoin & Lightning full node.

Shift Cryptosecurity

BitBox. Hardware wallets, App, Base Bitcoin & Lightning full node.

Shift Cryptosecurity AG, Founded in 2015 in Switzerland as a spinoff of the ETH Zürich national university, we are a privately held company with a fast growing, international team of over 20 specialists across engineering, cryptosecurity and Bitcoin core development.

Our first product, the BitBox01 (formerly Digital BitBox), is sold and enjoyed by customers in over 100 countries. This unique hardware wallet equips individuals to easily store, protect, and transact cryptocurrencies.

BitBox, Secure your crypto assets with our minimalist hardware wallets. The physical keys to your digital world.

BitBoxApp, Our cross-platform, open-source app is straightforward, yet suitable for expert use.

BitBoxBase, we open-source the development of a professional Bitcoin & Lightning full node to equip you for full Bitcoin sovereignty.