Robo-Advisor for Yield - The easiest way to earn the highest yield.

Robo-Advisor for Yield

The easiest way to earn the highest yield.

Staked introduces the Robo-Advisor for Yield (RAY), the easiest way to earn the highest yield on ETH, DAI, USDC and other ERC-20 coin holdings. Users deposit funds into the RAY smart contract, customize which protocols should be considered, and an off-chain oracle monitors rates on eligible protocols. RAY automatically moves funds to the highest-yielding at option at any time. Users receive ERC-20 tokens representing the value of positions they own.

RAY will support an expanding number of yield-generating opportunities, with current support for Aave, Compound, dYdX, MakerDAO and bZx. Decisions about which protocols will be supported and key system variables will be handled through governance. This allows capital providers and smart contract authors to collaborate profitably in a decentralized manner.
