OctoBay - Decentralized Ethereum Funding Service for GitHub.


Decentralized Ethereum Funding Service for GitHub.

OctoBay, Decentralized Ethereum Funding Service for GitHub. This is an experimental project, started at the end of August 2020. The goal was to learn smart contract development and to deploy a somewhat useful one to the Etherem main network (soon), together with an app that makes interaction easy.

OctoBay offers a simple way to reward contributors on GitHub with ETH or just send it any GitHub account. Anyone can deposit funds on any issue and the repository owner can decide to release the funds or to refund the depositers.

OctoPin tokens can only be minted by developers, who submit their merged pull requests and projects can use them to promote their issues.

Possible improvements are ENS integration, a better oracle system (chainlink), ERC20 support, a GitHub and email bot and more promotion features for projects. Ideas are really not the problem. Professional security audits and code reviews will happen as soon as possible and viable.