mStable - The mStable Standard.


The mStable Standard.

A Decentralised Platform for Scalable & Risk Minimised Stable Assets.

Layer 1, Stablecoin Ecosystem. Individual stablecoins suffer from fragmented liquidity and concentrated risk. Each trades off decentralisation, stability and scalability. Yet collectively, stablecoins are a strong, fast growing vertical displaying outstanding liquidity and innovation.

Layer 2, Diversified Baskets. mStable takes advantage of the collective strength of stablecoins by bundling them according to their asset type at a 1-1 ratio. mStable assets pool the liquidity of existing stablecoins while diversifying risk for the end user. mUSD and mGold are mStable’s initial assets.

Layer 3, A Robust System. Meta, mStable’s volatile system token, provides a layer of security beyond asset diversification and embeds the incentives required to govern a secure, decentralised system. The mStable Standard systemises stable baskets enabling the creation of truly scalable and robust stablecoins.