mistX - The worlds first FlashDEX, powered by alchemist.


The worlds first FlashDEX, powered by alchemist.

mistX is the worlds first FlashDEX, powered by alchemist.

You’ve all heard the rumours, so let us to confirm firsthand: mistX is indeed a FlashDEX, running on Flashbots technology, and we would like for you to take a moment to reflect on the implications (as there are many).

mistX is the first time in Ethereum history that FlashBots is available to regular users for front-running protection and “no success, no fee” transactions. There is no concept of reverts on mistX, your transaction is either successful with no front-running, or you pay nothing.

mistX is our very own Alchemist inspired FlashDEX and for the first time ever, mistX enables end users to send transactions through Flashbots bundles. We’ve worked hard to make mistX something unique and truly beneficial to the end user. Inspired by the insights promulgated by Flashbots and their deep understanding of the MEV crisis, we recognise the dark forest that lurks in the Ethereum network and have developed mistX as a solution that enables the end user to navigate the dark forest safely.
