MISO - Minimal Initial SushiSwap Offering.


Minimal Initial SushiSwap Offering.

List new tokens on Sushiswap by starting with a nice hot MISO.

MISO is a suite of open-source smart contracts created to ease the process of launching a new project on the SushiSwap exchange. MISO is a place for token creators and communities to launch new project tokens. We aim to create a launchpad for both technical and non-technical project founders, which will allow communities and projects access to all the options they need for a secure and successful deployment to the SushiSwap exchange.

MISO creates a collection of out-of-the-box smart contracts for non-technical founders to choose over more traditional and code-oriented methods of token launching. Our customers will be able to select and customize their token launch — including initial offering, vault, and farm options, MISO functionality is aimed at easing new tokens through their launch and migration of new liquidity into SushiSwap.
