Minters Vault - Keep your NFTs safe.

Minters Vault

Keep your NFTs safe.

Minters Vault, Keep your NFTs safe. Back-up for your beloved NFTs to IPFS. Stay in control and protect your NFTs by backing them up using Minters Vault.

Connect your wallet and use our secure smart contract to create an exact copy of your NFT, called a replicant. Our tool will fetch the unique data of your NFT, bundle it and upload it automatically to IPFS. The IPFS hash is stored directly in the NFT smart contract.

Prior to swapping your original NFT for your replicant, you will need to approve the vault contract to transfer the original. We only ask you to approve the NFT that you want to replicate — any other NFTs in your wallet are kept under your control.

After you have approved the vault contract, and the transaction has been confirmed, you can then swap your NFT for the replicant and you can celebrate that your wonderful NFT is now safe and secure. And if you ever want the original back, just swap your replicant for the original again.
