Lisk Italian Group - All the Lisk Italian members that are actively contributing to the ecosystem.

Lisk Italian Group

All the Lisk Italian members that are actively contributing to the ecosystem.

The LIG is composed by 10 Italian delegates working for the Lisk environment since March-April 2016 (after the end of Lisk ICO).

Everyone is putting its own skills at disposal to improve Lisk everyday.

Our goal is to fund projects related to Lisk like B-Apps (aka blockchain apps) or tools designed by us. We aim at reporting news and releases about those projects to the community.

With the multi-signature address 13861531827625059307L we’re going to create an official fund named FULIG to support these projects. Each month LIG members (and all Liskers who want) will be free to donate a percentage of their forged Lisk to the fund. The FULIG will vote all most recent 101 donors.