Leondrino - Digital currencies of brands you trust!


Digital currencies of brands you trust!

Currency Management-as-a-Service provider & blockchain-based platform-cum-marketplace for organizations to issue their own private branded currency.

Leondrino Exchange, Inc. origin in Berlin/Germany and offices in New York was founded in November 2014. The company is driven by an international team of internal and external staff members.

Leondrino Exchange positions itself as provider of Currency-Management-as-a-service (CMaaS) using cryptocurrency and distributed ledger technology. It wants to become the most trusted issuer and administrator of private, branded currencies. Besides the opportunity to raise money for startups and enterprises, Leondrino Exchange offers a smart way to build communities around branded digital currencies.

In advance of licensure as an issuer and administrator of virtual currencies, Leondrino Exchange is already able to offer limited services based on unregulated tokens through its Leondrino Wallet. The Leondrino Wallet is a multi-currency wallet that is specifically designed to handle several Leondrino Currencies of all Leondrino token classes in parallel and can be linked to accounts of banks and external exchanges. It will be extended to a personal financial management tool together with partners.

Anyone can participate and open their own Leondrino Wallet through a quick and simple online registration.