Infinito Wallet - Enables blockchain values for businesses.

Infinito Wallet

Enables blockchain values for businesses.

An ecosystem of blockchain applications and services for users, developers and business.

Infinito is a leading Japanese blockchain technology house with over 300 experts and 3+ years of professional experience in the field of cryptography and blockchain technologies. We help businesses of all scales easily realize blockchain values to their business. Infinito builds and operates an Ecosystem of products, solutions, and services, either ready-made or custom tailored, to help businesses and developers seamlessly implement, develop, and run blockchain applications securely, efficiently and compliantly. At the same time, Ecosystem consumers can access and enjoy these innovations with utmost convenience and safety. Infinito Wallet, our universal mobile wallet app, prides itself on being widely appraised as one of the world’s most powerful cryptocurrency wallet solution for the safe storage and usage of crypto assets.
