HBTC Chain - Next-Generation Decentralized Custody and Clearing Technology.

HBTC Chain

Next-Generation Decentralized Custody and Clearing Technology.

HBTC Chain is the next generation decentralized custody and clearing technology. Based on decentralization and community consensus, it employs comprehensive technologies including cryptography and blockchain, supports decentralized governance through technology, and aims to effectively solve the security and trust problems faced by centralized digital assets platforms.

HBDM (HBTC Chain DeFi Market) is the blockchain DeFi application market developed by HBTC. HBDM infrastructure includes 6 technical modules: blockchain asset custody, clearing, settlement, digital wallet, security, and risk management. All developers and tech companies can incorporate HBDM SDK to develop all kind of decentralized financial applications, such as SaaS/matrix cloud exchange, payment, loan, stable coins, wallets, and decentralized exchanges.
