Haze.Finance - DeFi Private Transactions Protocol.


DeFi Private Transactions Protocol.

Haze.Finance is 1st frequency mining project in DeFi, 1st private transactions protocol on BSC. No more streaking on chain. Anonymous tokens mixing protocol for DeFi projects with anonymity incentives.

Haze Finance achieves transaction privacy by using the zkSnarks proof, a type of cryptography that allows one party to prove the validity of another party’s transactions without disclosing the identity of the senders or information unrelated to the validity of the transactions.

With the zkSnarks proof, an example of a user’s private transaction process will look like this: Mike deposits his BUSD in the smart contract, the deposited BUSD is then mixed with other BUSD in the anonymity pools and Mike receives a passkey (a series of bytes) that proves that he has deposited a certain amount of BUSD to the smart contract. When Mike wants to withdraw the BUSD from the smart contract, he simply has to enter the passkey and the smart contract will transfer the specified amount to the specified address provided by him. By breaking the on-chain link of the transactions, there is simply no way for the observers to trace the origin of the funds through the withdrawal.