Hawksight - Yield-generating Indexes on Solana & Terra.


Yield-generating Indexes on Solana & Terra.

Hawksight is Yield-generating Indexes on Solana & Terra. It makes DeFi accessible to Everyone with 1-click Automated Investments & Yield Farming — on Solana and Terra. It is backed by Solana Ventures and Terraform Labs.

Hawksight is a Trade-to-Earn Solana-based protocol for decentralized, non-custodial investment management and quantitative trading. Our goal is to democratize data-driven investments, by making it easy for anybody to invest, create, or manage top-performing vaults and trading strategies in Cryptocurrency, DeFi, NFT and Synthetic Assets.

Building on the Solana ecosystem enables us to achieve the scalability, user-friendliness, speed, and security required to fulfill our mission and accelerate the mainstream adoption of DeFi. Solana will be a key entry-point, after which we will expand cross-chain support with an immediate focus on Terra.