Frontier - A Chain-Agnostic DeFi Aggregation Layer.


A Chain-Agnostic DeFi Aggregation Layer.

Frontier is a chain-agnostic DeFi aggregation layer. To date, we have added support for DeFi on Ethereum, Binance Chain, BandChain, Kava, and Harmony. Via StaFi Protocol, we will enter into the Polkadot ecosystem, and we will now put vigorous efforts towards Serum.

With our applications, users can participate in protocol tracking and management, staking, best-rate asset swapping, liquidity provision, CDP creation & monitoring, and more.

In short, Frontierʼs core mission is to bring the essential pieces of DeFi to users across whichever platforms they prefer.

Frontier Wallet will tie in all of your wallets into one integrated view without ever asking for your private key. We promise to take you to new Frontier - Where no man has gone before.