Foundation Devices - Take Ownership of Your Bitcoin.

Foundation Devices

Take Ownership of Your Bitcoin.

Foundation Devices strives to empower humankind – to make Bitcoin and decentralized tech accessible to each and every individual in order to build a new era of sovereignty, ownership, and privacy. Our products are the foundation of a better, decentralized Internet.

We believe Bitcoin and decentralized technologies will empower the individual, leading to a better world where people control their own data and their own money. This is the dream for our industry. We seek to eliminate the need for trusted third parties – like banks, cloud providers, and even governments – in order to make our systems more efficient and more accessible. And we seek to move power away from central points of failure to the edge; to the people.

As we build our industry from the ground up, we must remember this principle. We must build products and services that enable individual sovereignty.

We worry that as Bitcoin and decentralized tech reach mass adoption, the vast majority of consumers will become dependent on centralized providers. We will have succeeded at creating a different financial system with different intermediaries. But we will have failed at empowering the individual and building a new Internet.

This is why we started Foundation Devices – to make beautifully designed, open source devices for Bitcoin and the decentralized Internet. To bring great design and UX to hardware wallets, nodes, and more. To empower individuals to securely use and store Bitcoin while maintaining their sovereignty. To help our industry cross the chasm while staying true to its founding ideals.