equilibrium - We build core infrastructure for the new distributed web.


We build core infrastructure for the new distributed web.

Equilibrium is a venture studio committed to ensuring that the world’s technological infrastructure is efficient, secure and serves our needs as a global species.

We create research and products to accelerate the development of the decentralised web. We work on the most transformative decentralised technologies of our time, just like OrbitDB and Interledger.

We believe strongly that humanity’s technological infrastructure needs to be open source. Critical services cannot be reliant on the short-term business interests of individual companies.

This is why we have gone to great lengths to structure our business in a way which allows us to (mostly) ignore short-term motivations and open source even the most competitively advantageous technologies.

We also believe that no single business should last forever. Instead we aim to be an organisation that can create new businesses consistently. This can be achieved only if we can consistently attract amazing individuals and give them the freedom to innovate.
