Distributed Credit Chain - DCC, Distributed Credit on the Blockchain.

Distributed Credit Chain

DCC, Distributed Credit on the Blockchain.

Distributed Credit Chain (DCC) is the world’s first distributed banking public blockchain with a goal to establish a decentralized ecosystem for financial service providers around the world. By empowering credit with blockchain technology and returning ownership of data to individuals, DCC’s missio is to transform different financial scenarios and realize true inclusive finance. Conceptually, a Digital Bank, through fair financial service, will aim to break the monopoly of traditional financial institutions and to return earnings from financial services to all providers and users involved in such services so that each participant who has contributed the growth of the ecosystem may be incentivized..

Digital Banking will ultimately be a way to truly achieve an inclusive system of finance. Through decentralized thinking, Digital Banking will be able to change the cooperation model in traditional financial services, building a new peer-to-peer and all-communications model of cooperation across all regions, sectors, subjects and accounts. As it pertains to business, Digital Banking will completely transform traditional banking’s debt, asset, and intermediary business structure. It will replace liability business with distributed wealth management, and substitute distributed credit and claims registration (for asset business) and distributed asset transaction (for intermediate business). The tree-like management structure of the traditional bank will thus evolve into the flat structure of a decentralized bank, establishing distributed standards for various businesses and improving overall business efficiency.