DeversiFi - The most complete decentralised trading experience.


The most complete decentralised trading experience.

DeversiFi, the only high-speed decentralised exchange where traders can execute orders of any size directly from the security of their private wallet. With DeversiFi now able to compete with existing centralised exchanges, we are closing down and revamping the Nectar (NEC) token as we transition towards full decentralisation.

Ethfinex was launched in 2017 as a community-driven exchange with a focus on developing decentralised technology as well as a platform for incentivised learning, trading and analysis of Blockchain’s most innovative projects.

Over these past 2 years, our team has been hard-at-work building out this value proposition in preparation for the ultimate phase of the Ethfinex roadmap - the evolution towards full decentralisation with a new, fully independent exchange that meets the needs of professional traders, without compromising on speed, security or choice. One that is supplemented with the framework required to operate in a fully distributed ecosystem where participants have a stake and collectively contribute to the direction of the platform through a purpose-built DAO and revamped Nectar (NEC) token economics, better serving the DeFi community.

Laying the ground-work for this evolution was Ethfinex Trustless and since launching, it has gone from iteration to iteration, featuring new designs, user-interfaces and wallet integrations. Feedback was incorporated to fine-tune the experience, fix what wasn’t working for users and a number of innovative tokens were added including WBTC & DAI, not to mention industry-first features like the decentralised OTC function.

We now exist to continue this mission with the new DeversiFi exchange, taking it to the next level and building the infrastructure that facilitates the transition to a new, open and decentralised financial world. We are proud to update you with our most important milestone yet, one that beacons the closing of Ethfinex as we go on to embrace, and play our role in leading, the industry-wide shift towards a new financial paradigm.

In line with this, we gave our designers one of their biggest tasks to date - to craft a brand new company logo, better reflecting not only our successful evolution into full decentralisation but also our underpinning mission to build the infrastructure that facilitates the transition to a new, open and decentralised financial world.

Combining the words ‘Defi’ and ‘Diversify’ Ethfinex Trustless has now evolved into DeversiFi.