Derify Protocol - The next generation of decentralized derivatives trading platform.

Derify Protocol

The next generation of decentralized derivatives trading platform.

Derify Protocol is the next generation of decentralized derivatives trading platform.

In Derify protocol, trading action is conducted via “computable contract”, with simplified trading experience and actual trading price with no slippage. We also have multiple layers of protection for the money of our traders.

In Derify protocol, the market making is powered by “Hedged Automated Market Making” (hAMM) algorithm. The key objective of hAMM to restore the balance of system: long and short positions fully hedged. Arbitrageurs can contribute to this objective while earning risk-free profits. hAMM also have other unique features and advantages.

In Derify protocol, position is liquidity. All positions provide liquidity to opposite positions. Yield farmer can get considerable returns by holding positions (both long and short). We offer “2-way position” function for risk-free liquidity provision.