DeltaBlock - Create opportunities for listed companies to harness the full potential of capital markets.


Create opportunities for listed companies to harness the full potential of capital markets.

DeltaBlock creates opportunities for listed companies to harness the full potential of capital markets.

Advancements in Fintech allow us all to buy and sell listed assets from all over the world in a matter of seconds. Nevertheless, one big problem remains: the most renown exchanges and listed companies attract most for the traders/investors, whereas the rest remain relatively illiquid.

Illiquid assets bring distrust, preventing participants from stepping in and amazing companies from getting visibility. The lack of liquidity makes these assets subject of high volatility and even market manipulation, which raises distrust from traders, reproducing the cycle.

We strongly believe that democratization of capital markets won’t take place until those assets are accessible and actually traded.

Deltablock is a liquidity provider focused on enhancing market conditions of relatively illiquid assets, making them easier to exchange in trading venues. We make those securities accessible in the market by enhancing its market quality.