Blockchain Acceleration Foundation - BAF.

Blockchain Acceleration Foundation


A 501(c)(3) nonprofit working with California’s and Mexico’s premier university #blockchain clubs to build the era of blockchain mass adoption.

The Blockchain Acceleration Foundation (BAF) is a nonprofit organization composed of students, professors, blockchain advocates, and interested citizens who want to facilitate the mass adoption of blockchain technology.

We do this by educating members about blockchain technology, raising funds for blockchain club events, connecting students with career opportunities, and contributing to open-source projects. The donations we source enable our member organizations to host education series, speaker events, and blockchain-oriented hackathons, as well as to collaborate on blockchain-related curriculum.

BAF was created by current university students and recent graduates aiming to address the lack of accredited classes, career opportunities, and overall funding for education in blockchain-related areas. BAF is uniquely positioned as a nonprofit benefitting student blockchain organizations, and thus far has partnered with nine universities across Southern California and Mexico.