BeyondNFT - Live web-interactive media as NFTs (interactive art, dynamic content, games).


Live web-interactive media as NFTs (interactive art, dynamic content, games).

BeyondNFTs are fully compatible with ERC721 (or 1155) standards, Live web-interactive media as NFTs (interactive art, dynamic content, games). They are build on those standards, only declaring a specific property that says “I’m a dynamic NFT”.

This property will describe how the NFT should work. Where to find its code, its configuration, its dependencies. The combination of all this is what makes the magic happen.

We developped Several components doing most of the work and that are intended to be used by platforms like OpenSea, Rarible and co, but also directly by users on any website with a simple “embeddable snippet”. Anyone is welcome to participate to the on-going development.

Developers that want to allow their users to create dynamic NFTs are also invited to see the Sandbox repository as it is where lies all the documentations and description of the content of the property.