Bee2 - An Experiment Using Quadratic Mining.


An Experiment Using Quadratic Mining.

Bee2, An Experiment Using Quadratic Mining. The BEE2 project comes from the book Radical Market. The second chapter of the book Radical Democracy introduced an innovative voting method, quadratic voting (QV) to improve the efficiency and checks and balances of collective decision-making.

Quadratic voting has become popular in recent years. The earliest practice was in Taiwanese presidential hackathon, where QV was used to vote for winning projects.

Another derivative of QV is Quadratic Funding (QF). Recently, Gitcoin Grants also used the QF mechanism in project financing.

Vitalik himself also highly praised the quadratic mechanism. His article Quadratic Payments: A Primer mainly introduces the use of the quadratic mechanism in the payment field.

Our team thinks that DeFi’s liquidity mining is falling into the Matthew trap. It makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, and many investors can’t even afford high gas fees on Ethereum. For this reason, we initiated the project, a DeFi project based on the quadratic mining(QM).