2Tokens - Clarifying the path to Tokenization.


Clarifying the path to Tokenization.

2Tokens, Discover our three use-cases on how to create a token (TWO), next generation capital (NGC), and the electronic transfer of title of a bill-of-lading (eBL).

The ultimate deliverable of 2Tokens is a set of clear rules and guidelines on how to deal with tokenization. The journey starts with identifying and hopefully clarifying the challenges that we need to solve in the coming months. Together with relevant industry partners, we aim to achieve a common perspective and understanding of the benefits for The Netherlands. With that, we want to inspire change.

We understand that, to achieve widely supported token regulation, we have to raise awareness, stimulate discussions and bring together knowledge and expertise. This will allow us to reduce the barriers to the adoption of tokenization and help realise the wider societal benefits.